Back from Jogja!
Mia, a student at Regina Pacis - Jakarta is in her senior year and is making plans for her choice of study. She has her sights in psychology at Atma Jaya. I gave her some pointers about that field.
Yesterday, I met Tyas Nusantara, the daughter of Bondan Nusantara. A petite girl who's four years my junior, she's studying English Literature at Satdap, Jogjakarta. Her father is one of the most distingushed Javanese art expert and a world renown Ketoprak writer.
Today is my little brother's birthday. He's turning twelve today, and we planned a birthday party for him this afternoon. But Mom's not here with us, because Oma Lies has fallen ill during her trip to Semarang. Yesterday Mom left for Semarang from Klaten to take care of her. Our prayers are with Oma, that she would recover from whatever illness have fallen upon her. Jeddie's a little sad being without Mom.
The night is no getting younger, and I need to rest. I'm also going to shutdown this desktop too.
-0116 hours