Ramblings of TheFraix

Monday, February 04, 2013

Purpose of being here in Perth (part 1)

I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and a Master's Degree in Communications Specialization in Media and Cultural Studies. Finding a job in my field in Western Australia has been very difficult. I'm not certain whether I have not been trying hard enough, or the plain fact is that my background status is hindering me. Last year I applied for a Skilled Graduate Visa from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, and for that visa I had to nominated an occupation related to my field of study. I received a positive outcome for the occupation of 'Community Worker'. The Immigration's website describes its as a job that "Facilitates community development initiatives and collective solutions within a community to address issues, needs and problems associated with recreational, health, housing, employment and other welfare matters." For the past six months I've been applying for a job in that area, whether it was Aged Care, Disability support or Youth Work. All of my applications were either: rejected, unsuccessful, or simply ignored. I had one job interview as a Community Support Worker for an Aged Care facility. The interview went well, but eventually the facility's management decided not to progress my application any further. This all brought me back to the question: Is it still worth it? What's worth it? Staying in Australia, bringing along my wife and son, and having my daughter born here? I've been looking at the careers I've had during my stay in Perth. It's not that impressive if I may say, but gave me some opportunities to experience different walks of life.