Ramblings of TheFraix

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another day... another... another...

From the laptop of Arvin Chandra

Another day, a lot of things left to do.

Tanya was hospitalized last week. During her 5 day stay in the hospital, the bills were quite... well, expensive. Imagine our horror to discover our insurance policy being suspended because of our lapse in paying our premium.

Well... there's goes a good amount of money.

Now I've got other things to take care of, like this Central Java project that demands my attention.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm in the hospital

My wife's being hospitalized in RS Family Pluit.
She's been here since Monday night. Been having a fever since the evening.
Since Tanya is pregnant, it was thought best to bring her to the hospital along with the obgyn doctor (dr Hadi Susanto).
The first blood test uncovered a positive on paratyphi type AH (with a 1/320 count).

The doctor diagnose Tanya having dengue fever.
The next day blood's test indicated a lowered trombosite count (177).
The day after it became 167.

Tanya's parents are worried sick, especially since Tanya's brother Willy once had DBD many years ago with a trombosite count of 28 (which means, almost game over for him).

Well, we could use some prayer support.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Hecticness

From the laptop of Arvin Chandra

I used to despise mondays. Really, a start of a new week of lots and lots of activities. Just last Sunday I made two appointments for today: Meeting my former employer Ruddy Koesnadi, and meeting Mijan (of Bersaudara Motor) at the car shop. (Sigh)

Which is more important? Both of these are located at opposite ends of the city.
Pak Ruddy's home is at Palem Indah, Kepa Duri (which is near Tanjung Duren), while Mijan's garage is at Cempaka Putih.

My appointment with Pak Ruddy is at 7.30. I don't remember whether it's 7.30 AM or PM. My last message to him was '7.30 PM?' He hasn't replied it yet, and I know he's a respected businessman that has to sort to tons of text messages in his mobile.

My meeting with Mijan serves a simple purpose: Pay him my car repair bills, and take my car out for a test drive.

Now, while I'm in the verge of prioritizing my activities for today, I can't help thinking about what I need to do this week.

- There's a significantly important meeting this weekend (next Sunday to Monday) with my Inascifi core team.
- There's the Battlestar Galactica DVDs I need to pick up at Pak Ruddy's
- I would love to receive input from Pak Ruddy regarding my business plans and model.
- There are two downpayments in the form of an old laptop (my old one in fact) and a brand new laptop I've promised to WS and YD.
- My old laptop needs to be purged and re-installed with legal softwares.

Which brings me to this question. How do I prioritize those things above?

Mr Ruddy sms-ed me, saying that he meant to meet at 7.30pm.
Also, I went to Yayasan Eunike to do contact work.
The car has a new cool looking paint.
I went to MOI, tried to find time to relax. Played Halo 3 in Blitz Gamesphere at Legendary mode. My skills hv definitely laxed since three years ago.
Oh, I came home to Kayu Putih exhausted. Told my wife I cannot come home to her tonight. But I bought her flowers this afternoon! Hurrah!

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Update and some shocking news

From the laptop of Arvin Nathanael Chandra

I've got some weird experiences these past two months. Rather than summing it up here, I'll just quote word-by-word what I've written to my Regent University admissions counselor.

Dear Elinor,

I have some shocking news for you.

1. First, I've discovered my wife to be pregnant some two weeks ago. Last night we went to a family clinic near our home and discovered the fetus is already 1.7cm long and is 7 weeks old. If this wasn't enough to bug my mind,

2. Second, I was denied entrance to my GRE test, because the test official saw my ID name didn't match my registration name. I registered ARVIN NATHANAEL CHANDRA for the test, and in the computers it appeared as ARVIN CHANDRA. Now, because of past government strange policy of not including family names in the birth certificates, all of my official documents, passports and ID cards lack my CHANDRA family name. Only my marriage certificate fully contains ARVIN NATHANAEL CHANDRA married to TAN SANNY ANITA.
When I conducted my TOEFL test last year (which I took in a different test center) this name problem wasn't a big issue for them and I was allowed to take the test and achieved a score of 108.
Yet, this GRE test center which is ran by Prometrics, didn't allow me to take it! The test official tried his best to be polite, and he sincerely believed I am Arvin Chandra, and I tried my best to withheld my anger and emotions, and in the end I realize I couldn't force him to allow me inside, since Prometrics have a strict policy regarding this identification. Apparently there was a bulletin that stated only National ID cards, driver's license and Passport (which all contains the testee's photos and signature) are considered valid proof. Credit card are considered secondary proof (as they usually contain no photos). But the bulletin explicitly state that 'Birth certificates' and other documents are NOT considered VALID.
Funny how that bulletin never reached my email inbox. Nevertheless, I'm going to the proper steps necessary to legally rectify this 'name problem' of mine.

3. Third, I'm building a company that aims to educate the Indonesian mass through science fiction through a series of magazines and events held by the Indonesian Science Fiction community. This is a dream I've had since 2001, and I tried to make this a business around 2007 but lacked the necessary skillset, network and experience. Now after being an entrepreneur this past 1 year, I'm taking myself as a Christian entrepreneur very seriously.

Because all these factors and coincidences, I trust GOD wants me to stay in Indonesia for the mean time. I'm not sure whether I'm going to take an online course or not (since I prefer a real face-to-face interaction with lecturers), but to say the least I will complete my application process, but not enter this year.


The reply from Elinor Malendoski was very warm.

Dear Arvin,

Congratulations on the wonderful news about you and your wife being expectant parents! God does have His timing on all things!!

I would say that the problem at Prometrics was just another confirmation of God’s timing, though I know you were frustrated.

We hope that you will complete your academic application, in the event that you might want to study online!

I am able to defer your application until May of 2010 so we’ll just see how the Lord leads. OK?

Thank you so much for your full explanation and may God’s blessings rest upon you and your little family as you pursue your efforts in Christian entrepreneurship. (Regent offers a degree in that, you know!)

Love in Christ Jesus,


Well... that sums up what I've been doing around since March.

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