Ramblings of TheFraix

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Eighteen Days To Go

From the desktop of Nathanael Fraix


I'm blogging. again. Sigh.

Trying to pursue, something different.
Here's the scoop: I've been going on for ten days without films and games. Sort of.
Tanya thought it'll make a nice Valentine gift if I can pend a month of refraining myself from those entertainment in order to focus on the more important things, like reflecting on God's grace, talking about our relationship's future and most important of all: cleaning up my bedroom.

Well, last Tuesday (Feb 19) the bedroom was eventually... changed from the rather uninhabitable condition to a more habitable environment.

So here I've gone... days not watching and films, or DVDs, or playing any games. And just when that new Knight Rider TV movie came out last week. Nope... I just couldn't watch any.

But last Saturday night while I was at Tanya's place, Tanya turned on the TV and there was Ben Stiller in Night at the Museum. It was a fun movie, which both of us haven't watched. So we ended up 'relaxing' the rules a little bit. That film was my the only one I watched during this one month period.

This... fasting, if you could call it, will last until March 14, 2008.

Eighteen more days to go.

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Sunday, February 08, 2015

My time in Perth (which came to an end last year)

From the laptop of Nathanael Fraix Last year my main goals and struggle was to find a way to work and reside permanently in Australia. My passion was to help people, and I nominated Community Worker as my occupation. Following through a string unrelated part-time jobs, volunteer experience and additional student work experience, I started to have some experience in the homelessness sector. The breakthrough came in October 2013, when I applied for a casual support position at the organization where I previously interned at. The interview process was very interesting... the team leader first say I didn't get the job because of my lack of experience, but she offered me to interview in a part time position in a different program (which was oriented for homeless families). I went to the interview, and didn't make enough an impression to be hired on the spot, but I was offered a casual position. Then it turned out, the first job I applied for really needed me, so I started working there. Working in a soup kitchen for homeless clients, my first two months were full of excitement... learning to work with interesting people, while serving a clientele which comes from a very challenging background. I learned to be vigilant in my job, engaging my clients in a friendly non-judgmental manner, while being constantly aware of my surroundings and be mindful of security risks. Nevertheless, I've encountered several incidents that required me to write critical incident reports, which really enriched my work experience there. Around February 2014, one of my co-workers was about to take her maternity leave, and my workplace needed someone to fill in for her. They advertised for the position, and I applied for it. After the interview process, they offered me a nine month contract. The contract was for a part time position (30 hour per week), but the money was good and the certainty really helped me financially. Some time later, they offered me an additional role: to work as an assessment officer, interviewing clients to ascertain background situation which contribute to their predicament, and help determine how my workplace can assist them (or refer them to other services). This second job was very engaging, and can be emotionally draining at times. The main issue however was my visa. The contract offered me the job until January 2015, but my 485 visa only allow me work and remain in Australia until June 19 2014. My contract stipulated that my workplace will not be able to sponsor me for a work visa, but they can try to assist me. In the end, I couldn't get a work visa, so I only managed to fulfill a third of my contract's length, and return to Indonesia for good in July 2014.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Purpose of being here in Perth (part 1)

I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and a Master's Degree in Communications Specialization in Media and Cultural Studies. Finding a job in my field in Western Australia has been very difficult. I'm not certain whether I have not been trying hard enough, or the plain fact is that my background status is hindering me. Last year I applied for a Skilled Graduate Visa from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, and for that visa I had to nominated an occupation related to my field of study. I received a positive outcome for the occupation of 'Community Worker'. The Immigration's website describes its as a job that "Facilitates community development initiatives and collective solutions within a community to address issues, needs and problems associated with recreational, health, housing, employment and other welfare matters." For the past six months I've been applying for a job in that area, whether it was Aged Care, Disability support or Youth Work. All of my applications were either: rejected, unsuccessful, or simply ignored. I had one job interview as a Community Support Worker for an Aged Care facility. The interview went well, but eventually the facility's management decided not to progress my application any further. This all brought me back to the question: Is it still worth it? What's worth it? Staying in Australia, bringing along my wife and son, and having my daughter born here? I've been looking at the careers I've had during my stay in Perth. It's not that impressive if I may say, but gave me some opportunities to experience different walks of life.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20 2010

From the laptop of Nathanael Fraix

January 20 2010. Today's the anniversary of my sister's death. I was only three years old when I received news that I'm going to have a sister, and though young I was at that age, I still remember the excitement and anticipation of having a sister. But somehow, complications came and Dagna had to be born premature. Her lungs weren't developed enough that she had trouble breathing. She only lived for only two days, and during those days I couldn't see her at all.

The next memory I have is the funeral we had for her on that windy snowy morning. I put a flower, a red rose, on her little coffin. Years later I would come and visit the grave with Mom and Dad, and once I remember with Elita (my second sister, born in July 1986) sometime before I returned to Indonesia.

It's funny for me to resume my blogging this year with this kind of tone.


Monday, December 28, 2009


how are you doing? It's been another long while since I've updated my blog.

Well, for now I'm proud to say that I'm now a father to a healthy baby boy name Zachary Clement Chandra. He was born on October 19 2009, and shares the same birthday as her mother. Amazingly, the birthing process was normal (no c-section), and both Sanny and Zach were healthy. His length was 52cm and weighed 3,58kg when he was born. Now he's about 59cm and weigh nearly 6kg. Amazing!

Other news... how am I doing? Well, I am adjusting to being a father, and it is an amazing challenge. Many of my old habits and lifestyle had to change or removed as necessary.

I've also been accepted to Edith Cowan University for the Master of Professional Communication program, and for now my topmost priority is the visa application process so I can be in Perth (Western Australia) by the first week February next year.

Well, I guess that sums up my main issues for now.

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Six weeks till our baby is born

Can you believe it?
I'm going to be a father?

My unborn son will be the first grandchild of my parents, as well the third grandchild in Tanya's side.

I wish I could say that this pregnancy is going great, but from time to time there are certain... challenges we both face as a couple.

Well, the due date is October 18 2009, but Tanya hopes he'll come out on the 19th which will be her birthday!

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another day... another... another...

From the laptop of Arvin Chandra

Another day, a lot of things left to do.

Tanya was hospitalized last week. During her 5 day stay in the hospital, the bills were quite... well, expensive. Imagine our horror to discover our insurance policy being suspended because of our lapse in paying our premium.

Well... there's goes a good amount of money.

Now I've got other things to take care of, like this Central Java project that demands my attention.
