A Busy Friday
Phew! What a Friday.
Wanna know what I've been doing?
- Guitar lessons with Rainer Wildt at his house. The lessons started a bit late becuase Pak Rainer asked me to look into his daughter's computer. Apparently he tried to install some racing games but couldn't execute a few of them. Well, I think I manage to make a few games playable without messing Reni's desktop. Riddle me this: Why is a guitar expert asking a psychology student to tweak his daughter's desktop?
- Teaching guitar as an extracurriculer activities for 10-12 year olds . I'm teaching at SDK VI (which is pretty near my home) from 12.30 - 1.30pm. I get paid for Rp.75,000 for an hour per week. I kindda enjoy the activity, although teaching kids that age in suc a limited time and space makes me sigh.
I have a pupil name Devina Purba, a sixth grader. Her guitar skills are much better than the rest of her class, thanks to her taking guitar lessons at Yamaha Gatot Soebroto. Funny thing, her teacher, Arthur Sahelangi, is the same teacher I studied with before I moved to Pak Rainer.
Note: So I become a guitar pupil in the morning and a guitar teacher in the afternoon.
- I'm now taking a computer course on web design at Computrain (www.computrain.edu). It's the first time outside school I took a computer course. During my highschool days I learned DOS, Lotus 1-2-3, dBase and QBasic. Nowadays those programs are hardly used, but my skills in DOS are the ones that thrusted me to know computer as much as I do now. You know what? I actually miss the good ole' DOS days. C:> anyone?
Note: Two of my old schoolmates are working at Computrain. Frans Gomedi is a full timer, while Erwin K. is a part-timer.
- Oh yeah, I should mention that I called Putri today. It's been quite a while since I've last chatted with her and I can say that today's chat was quite enjoyable. Interesting.
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